
Booking information

  • Appointments are at Albany Hills Radius Medical Centre and are face-to-face, telehealth is also offered.
  • Referrals are not essential. Self-referrals are accepted.
  • Individuals do not need to be patients of the Albany Hills Radius Medical Centre practice.
  • Janelle is a registered provider with Medicare and all major health funds.
  • You may be eligible for a rebate from your health fund provider – all rebates are different depending on your private health insurance and level of cover. Please contact your health fund provider for specific information for your circumstances.
  • Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) clients require a referral from their treating General Practitioner (GP).
  • Check with your General Practitioner to see if you are eligible for a subsidy through medicare under the enhanced primary care plan.
  • Self-managed or agency managed NDIS clients are welcome.

Ready to get started?

Click below to call to make a booking.

Our clinic is located at Your Healthy Body Clinic, Albany Hills Radius Medical Centre, Keong Road & Old Northern Road, Albany Creek, QLD 4035.

07 3264 6090